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- The payment system is not accepting my credit card, what is going on?
The payment system is not accepting my credit card, what is going on?

Please refer to the below error codes that can commonly occur and and possible solutions:
Do Not Honour - Bank has rejected the transaction, possibly wrong card number/expiry date entered, or the bank will reject if they are suspicious that the credit card has been stolen and is being misused. Best option is to call your bank to tell them you are making a purchase from David Jones Pharmacy and to allow the transaction to proceed.
Insufficient Funds - This means there is not enough money in your credit card, please transfer more money into the account
Restricted Card - The bank has restricted the functions of the card used, please contact your bank for assistance
Lost Card - This card has been notified as a lost/stolen card, please contact your bank for assistance
Error - There has been an error in processing of the credit card, it might be a payment system issue, or web browser issue. Most of the time, a workaround for this is to use a different browser. Chrome is been known to have the least issues with this error.
Function Not Permitted to Cardholder The bank has restricted the functions of the card used, please contact your bank for assistance
Expired Card - The card is expired, please contact your bank for assistance
Undefined Validation - TBA
W9 - TBA
Do Not Honour; Anonymous Proxy Fraud - Our website blocks all known anonymous IP addresses from purchasing. Please do not use VPNs